SS 16 Theory of the Big Bang
Time and Location
There will be a lecture on Thursday, June 30th at 4pm in 3343 (Handbibliothek). This will replace the appointment on Monday, July 11th, where the lecture has been cancelled.
There will be no lecture on Monday, June 6th. The replacement appointment is Thursday, June 9th at 4pm in 3343 (Handbibliothek).
Mondays, 3pm--4:30pm in PH 1141 ("Hilbertraum").
Tutorials: Tuesdays, 4pm--5:30pm in PH 3344. Bi-weekly, i.e. on
- 26.04., Problem Sheet 1
- 10.05., Problem Sheet 2
- 07.06., Problem Sheet 3
- 23.06., Problem Sheet 4
- 04.07., Problem Sheet 5
- ...
Extra appointment for supplemental lectures (tba): Thursdays, 4pm--5:30pm PH 3343.
- Evolution equation for perturbations of the metric and the matter and radiation contents of the Universe.
- Solution to these equations.
- Predictions for Large Scale Structure (Galaxy Distribution).
- Predictions for Inhomogeneities in the Cosmic Microwave Background.
- Inflation, Baryogenesis and other Early Universe topics.
The lecture will be mostly based on the book by Dodelson. There are other popular textbooks on this topic by Mukhanov, Weinberg and Liddle & Lyth.
For MSc students and BSc students in the sixth semester. Knowledge of General Realtivity is helpful but not required.
Lecture Notes
(From 2014, to be revised.)
- The Homogeneous Universe
- Boltzmann Equations
- Perturbed Einstein Equations
- Initial Conditions
- Matter Power Spectrum
Exercises prepared by Juraj Klarić and Wenyuan Ai.