Funding Programms

The project is supported by Exist Forschungstransfer. 

H2020 - FET Open / FET Innovation Launchpad grant:
Project acronym
: MolShuttle
Parent project: 2D INk
Project title: Versatile Platform for Handling Nanographenes
(Project ID: 946223. H2020-FETOPEN-2018-2019-2020-03 /

This project has received funding
from the European Unions’  Horizon2020
Research and innovation
under grant Agreement [

Novel deposition technology for organic molecules opens doors for nanoelectronics:
In this project technical improvement and extension of the ES-CIBD platform is pursued to widen the application to additional chemical species such as nanographenes and to enable access to further analytical tools. The planned activities cover the development of a portable preparation port and the optimization of spray and vacuum components. Nanographenes (carbon nanotubes, graphen-based nanoribbons and other structures) play an increasing role in the design of sophisticated highly-functional ultrathin nanoelectronics and optics. The “MolShuttle” project was inspired by knowledge gained in the parent program 2D-INK FET aiming to formulate semiconductive inks.
(Project ID: 664878.

Status: completed





The group is supported by the e-conversion Cluster of Excellence funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) as members of the research areas Molecularly-Functionalized Interfaces,
Solid-Solid Interfaces and Foundry Organic for the development of vacuum transfer systems.

Cluster link


Status: ongoing


ERC PoC grant:
Project acronym
Project title: Modular Platform for Controlled Ion Beam Generation.
(Project ID: 780907.

This project has received funding
from the European Unions’  ERC
under grant Agreement [

Development of a versatile platform for deposition of fragile (bio)organic molecules on solid supports at UHV conditions. Such molecules are used as building blocks for nanofabrication and nanotechnology.The project is a follow-on program to the ERC Advanced Grant “MolArt”

(Project ID: 247299.

Status: completed



Paper, poster presentations, thesis

Navigate Flying Molecular Elephants Safely to the Ground: Mass-Selective Soft Landing up to the Mega-Dalton Range by Electrospray Controlled Ion-Beam Deposition.
Andreas Walz, Karolina Stoiber, Annette Huettig, Hartmut Schlichting, and Johannes V. Barth
Anal. Chem. 2022, DOI:
(preprint @ ChemRxiv™  DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2021-gw53x-v2)
Depositing molecular graphene nanoribbons on Ag(111) by electrospray - controlled ion beam deposition: Self-assembly and on-surface transformations
W. Ran, A. Walz, K. Stoiber, P. Knecht, H. Xu, A. C. Papageorgiou, A. Huettig, D. Cortizo-Lacalle, J. P. Mora-Fuentes, A. Mateo-Alonso, H. Schlichting, J. Reichert, and J. V. Barth
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, e202111816

A. Walz doctoral thesis:

A. Walz, P. Knecht, K. Stoiber, H. Schlichting, and J. Barth. “An Electro Spray Ion Beam Deposition Device Employing Novel Ion Guide Concepts “. Talk. DPG Spring Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM). Regensburg 2019

A. Walz, K. Stoiber, H. Schlichting, and J. Barth. “Advanced ion optics for Controlled Electro Spray Ion Beam Deposition“. Poster. DPG Spring Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM). Berlin 2018

A. Walz, poster: Controlled Ion Beam Deposition featuring a vacuum suitcase – A novel integrated approach to purify, analyze and carefully deposit fragile building-blocks in vacuum, e-conversion Poster Session 2021:


A.Walz, finalist of the "Nano Innovation Award" of the Centers for Nanoscience (CENS). 2021.

Ion guide comprising electrode plates and ion beam deposition system EP 18 16 5950, PCT/EP2019/058723
Partly sealed ion guide and ion beam deposition system EP 18 16 5948 PCT/EP2019/058678
Ion guide comprising electrode wires and ion beam deposition system EP 18 16 5949  PCT/EP2019/058679
High-performance ion source and method for generating an ion beam EP2669929