M. Schultze, E. M. Bothschafter, A. Sommer, S. Holzner, W. Schweinberger, M. Fiess, M. Hofstetter, R. Kienberger, V. Apalkov, V.S. Yakovlev, M.I. Stockman, and F. Krausz: „Controlling dielectrics with the electric field of light”, Nature 493, 75 (2012).
A. Schiffrin, T. Paasch-Colberg, N. Karpowicz, V. Apalkov, D. Gerster, S. Mühlbrandt, M. Korbman, J. Reichert, M. Schultze, S. Holzner, J.V. Barth, R. Kienberger, R. Ernstorfer, V.S. Yakovlev, M.I. Stockman, and F. Krausz: “Optical-field-induced current in dielectrics”, Nature 493, 70 (2012).
Yunpei Deng, Alexander Schwarz, Hanieh Fattahi, Moritz Ueffing, Xun Gu, Marcus Ossiander, Thomas Metzger, Volodymyr Pervak, Hideki Ishizuki, Takunori Taira, Takayoshi Kobayashi, Gilad Marcus, Ferenc Krausz, Reinhard Kienberger, and Nicholas Karpowicz: “ Carrier-envelope-phase-stable, 1.2 mJ, 1.5 cycle laser pulses at 2.1 μm”, Optics Letters 37, Iss. 23, pp. 4973–4975 (2012)
W. Schweinberger, A. Sommer, E. Bothschafter, J. Li, F. Krausz, R. Kienberger, M. Schultze: „Waveform-controlled near-single-cycle milli-joule laser pulses generate sub-10 nm extreme ultraviolet continua” Opt. Lett. 37 (17) 3573-3575 (2012)
S. Neppl, R. Ernstorfer, E. M. Bothschafter, A. L. Cavalieri, D. Menzel, J. V. Barth, F. Krausz, R. Kienberger, and P. Feulner: “Attosecond Time-Resolved Photoemission from Core and Valence States of Magnesium”, PRL 109 (8), 087401 (2012)
Alexander Schwarz, Moritz Ueffing, Yunpei Deng, Xun Gu, Hanieh Fattahi, Thomas Metzger, Marcus Ossiander, Ferenc Krausz, and Reinhard Kienberger: “Active stabilization for optically synchronized optical parametric chirped pulse amplification”, Optics Express, Vol. 20, Issue 5, pp. 5557-5565 (2012)
T Rathje, Nora G Johnson, M Möller, F Süßmann, D Adolph, M Kübel, R Kienberger, M F Kling, G G Paulus and A M Sayler: “Review of attosecond resolved measurement and control via carrier–envelope phase tagging with above-threshold ionization”, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 45 074003 (2012)
M. Meyer, P. Radcliffe, T. Tschentscher, J. T. Costello, A. L. Cavalieri, I. Grguras, A. R. Maier, R. Kienberger, J. Bozek, C. Bostedt, S. Schorb, R. Coffee, M. Messerschmidt, C. Roedig, E. Sistrunk, L. F. Di Mauro, G. Doumy, K. Ueda, S. Wada, S. Düsterer, A. K. Kazansky, and N. M. Kabachnik: “Angle-Resolved Electron Spectroscopy of Laser-Assisted Auger Decay Induced by a Few-Femtosecond X-Ray Pulse“ Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 (6), 063007 (2012)
I. Znakovskaya, P. von den Hoff, G. Marcus, S. Zherebtsov, B. Bergues, X. Gu, Y. Deng, M. J. J. Vrakking, R. Kienberger, F. Krausz, R. de Vivie-Riedle, and M. F. Kling: “Subcycle Controlled Charge-Directed Reactivity with Few-Cycle Midinfrared Pulses” Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 (6), 063002 (2012)
Steffen Kahra, Günther Leschhorn, Markus Kowalewski, Agustin Schiffrin, Elisabeth Bothschafter, Werner Fuß, Regina de Vivie-Riedle, Ralph Ernstorfer, Ferenc Krausz, Reinhard Kienberger and Tobias Schaetz: „A molecular conveyor belt by controlled delivery of single molecules into ultrashort laser pulses”, Nature physics 8 (2012), published online, 05. Feb. 2012
Marcus, G; Helml, W; Gu, X; Deng, YP; Hartmann, R; Kobayashi, T; Strueder, L ; Kienberger, R; Krausz, F: “Subfemtosecond K-Shell Excitation with a Few-Cycle Infrared Laser Field”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 (2), 023201 (2012)
M. Schultze, R. Kienberger: “Attosecond Metrology an Spectroscopy”, in “Modern Metrology Concerns” edited by Luigi Cocco, ISBN 978-953-51-0584-8, Hard cover, 458 pages, Publisher: InTech, Published: May 16, 2012