Apply now for the MaMaSELF Programme

A master of excellence

Mamaself is a two year European Master program in Materials science, a program of excellence build in the framework of the Erasmus+: Erasmus Mundus program. One specific aim of the Mamaself program is to teach the application of "Large scale facilities" for the characterisation and development of materials. Modern life and globalisation imply new and additional exigencies for scientists and scientific engineers in the field of scientific and industrial competitiveness. This holds specifically for the development of new technologies and new materials which are important key-products and which contribute to the technological and scientific competitiveness of highly industrialized countries. The characterisation of these materials and also the optimising of technologies strongly demand sophisticated methods, some of them uniquely available at "Large scale facilities” using neutrons or synchrotron radiation.

The Master Mamaself’s objective is to train in a very multidisciplinary and international approach high-level students who will manage perfectly the scientific and technological aspects of the elaboration, the implementation, the control and the follow-up of materials, capable of fitting into the industrial environment as well as continuing with a PhD.

A consortium of six universities

The Mamaself Consortium includes six primary European Universities in the field of Materials sciences, Engineering Physics, Chemistry:

The partners have a large background in materials science and a long collaboration with Large Scale Facilities. They are located in culturally and historically rich European towns. Through full integration of teaching and research, the consortium universities have managed to bring together different specializations in a unique course programme. Erasmus Mundus programme The Erasmus Mundus programme is a co-operation and mobility programme in the field of higher education. It aims to enhance quality in European higher education and to promote intercultural understanding through co-operation with third countries. The programme is intended to strengthen European co-operation and international links in higher education by supporting high-quality European Masters Courses, enabling students from around the world to engage in postgraduate study at European higher education institutions, as well as encouraging the outgoing mobility of European students and scholars towards third countries.

For more information on the MaMaself programme please refer to or to the flyer. Application forms can be found here. For questions on details please send an e-mail to Mrs. Karin Kleinstück.