Research Highlights

Spectral Differential Phase Contrast X-Ray Radiography.

Research Highlights |

Mechlem, K., Sellerer, T., Viermetz, M., Herzen, J., & Pfeiffer, F. Spectral differential phase contrast x-ray radiography. IEEE transactions on medical imaging39(3), 578-587 (2020)


Purpose: in this research project, the combination of two emerging X-ray imaging technologies, namely spectral imaging and differential phase contrast imaging are investigated. By acquiring spatially and temporally registered images with several different X-ray spectra, spectral imaging can exploit differences in the energy-dependent attenuation to generate material selective images. Differential phase contrast imaging uses an entirely different contrast generation mechanism: The phase shift that an X-ray wave exhibits when traversing an object.


Figure: Overview of the workflow for spectral phase contrast material decomposition and conventional spectral material decomposition