Research Highlights

Correspondence: Quantitative evaluation of X-ray dark-field images for microcalcification analysis in mammography

Research Highlights |

Scherer, K., Birnbacher, L.Willer, K.Chabior, M.Herzen, J. & Pfeiffer, F. Correspondence: Quantitative evaluation of X-ray dark-field images for microcalcification analysis in mammography. Nature Communications 7, 10863–3 (2016) []



Quantitative evaluation of microcalcification analysis in X-ray dark-field mammography. (a) Experimental absorption and (b) dark-field mammogram of a freshly dissected breast abladate with microcalcifications. (c) Scatter plots comparing the absorption to scattering power of two exemplary microcalcifications cluster, as indicated by the blue and red frame in (a, b), respectively. An incorrect r-value is obtained (rWang=rmt) if contributions of the underlying tissue are neglected in the analysis, since >> .