Foto von Sami Wirtensohn

B.Sc. M.Sc. Sami Wirtensohn

  • X-Ray Nanotomography at synchrotron sources
  • Advanced, ML based Denoising techniques
  • Grating-based X-ray phase-contrast and dark-field imaging 
  • Mammography and Breast-CT

  • 1
    John, Dominik; Gottwald, Wolfgang; Berthe, Daniel; Wirtensohn, Sami; Hickler, Julia; Heck, Lisa; Herzen, Julia: X-ray dark-field computed tomography for monitoring of tissue freezing. Scientific Reports 14 (5599), 2024, 11 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )

ICTMS 07.2024
Capetown, South Africa
"The dark side of transmission x-ray microscopy" Oral Presentation
DESY Photon Science 
Users' Meeting
01.2024   Hamburg, DE 
"Full-field dark-field transmission x-ray microscopy" Poster
MML 09.2023
Jena, DE
"Quantitative imaging of soft tissue down to the nanometer scale" Oral Presentation

IMXP 07.2023
Garching, DE

"Full-field in situ nanotomography for biomedical applications" Poster

DESY Photon Science
Users' Meeting
01.2023   Hamburg, DE   

"X-ray dark-field imaging: Visualization of sub-resolution structures" Poster
WaMIBE 11.2022
Garching, DE                                      
"Towards low dose and time-resolved grating-bases breast computed tomography" Oral Presentation

Based on the new publication by Sami Wirtensohn, the Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon published online a Press Release referencing his work.

To access the Press Release, please click here