
On this page you can read all about the teaching that is done by our group. For BSc and MSc projects, click here.

Nano- and Optomechanics

In the winter semester we are teaching the course "Nano- and Optomechanics" (module PH2255).

Nano- and optomechanics is a rapidly developing field where mechanical resonators - ranging from the nanoscale to km-sized gravitational-wave detectors - are studied with extremely sensitive methods. In this course we will study some of the most intriguing aspects of this topic, including mechanics at the nanoscale, NEMS sensors, synchronization, and quantum-limited measurements. The course consists of a lecture and exercises and will be given in English.

The course is also part of the IMPRS-QST graduate program. Additional information about this course can be found on the website of the NAT school, in TUMonline (login required), and in Moodle (login required).

Journal Club Optomechanics and Quantum Optics

The Quantum Technologies group also organizes the "Journal Club Optomechanics and Quantum Optics". This seminar is held every semester and the module number is PH1506 for BSc students, PH1482 for MSc students. After the great success of the previous editions, we are happy to announce that also this semester, the JC OMQO will again be held hybrid. The contact hours are either in person, or via Zoom. The final presentations are done in a mini-conference format and will be held via Zoom.

If you think that this is an interesting seminar (we certainly think it is!), then make sure to sign up for the course in TUM online. This way, you will receive the information on the first meeting, that typically takes place a few weeks after the semester starts. If you decide later that you will not take part, you can unregister yourself without any problems. Please contact Prof. Poot if you would like to have more information on the Journal Club.

Introduction to Solid State Physics (English)

In the summer semesters we teach the course "Introduction to Solid State Physics (in English)" (module PH8019). In this course you will be taught the fundamentals of condensed matter physics and it intended for physics bachelor students (AEP, BIO, and KTA). The content is the same as for the course  Einführung in die Physik der kondensierten Materie (PH0019) that is held every winter semester, but our version is now given in English. This provides an excellent opportunity for students that want to experience what it is like to follow a course in English, as well as a way for non-German speaking students learn about this exciting topic. Additional information about this course can be found on the website of the NAT school, in TUMonline (login required), and in Moodle (login required).

Mathematical Methods for Physicists 2

In this course, Lehramtstudierenden with a focus on physics will take an exciting journey throught the wonderful world of differential equations and variational calculus. Additional information about this course can be found on the website of the school of natural sciences, in TUMonline (login required), and in Moodle (login required). The course is thaught in German.