
Franz Pfeiffer is co-hosting next year's International Symposium on BioMedical Applications of X-Ray Phase Contrast Imaging (IMXP) in Garmisch in January 2015 in Garmisch-Patenkirchen, Germany.

The student council awarded Prof. Franz Pfeiffer for his excellent lecuture on Experimental Physics I & II.

The TV channel BR Alpha showed a report about Franz Pfeiffer and grating based X-ray phase-contrast and darkfield imaging.

Björn Enders and co-workers published an article about their latest results in Applied Physics Letters.

PhD Defense

On April 22nd, Dieter Hahn successfully defended his PhD thesis on "Statistical Iterative Reconstruction for X-ray Phase-Contrast Computed Tomography".

Medicalphysicsweb reports about the latest publication of Marian Willner and co-authors entitled "Quantitative breast tissue characterization using grating-based x-ray phase-contrast imaging" published in Physics in Medicine and Biology.

Marco Stockmar and co-workers were invited to write an article about their latest experiments for the 2013 annual report of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) and to give a talk in the x-ray imaging session of the annual ESRF user meeting.

Prof. Franz Pfeiffer and Prof. Maximilian Reiser hosted the „International Workshop on X-ray and Neutron Phase Imaging with Gratings, XNPIG“ and the „International Symposium on Biomedical Applications of Phase Contrast Imaging, IMXP". Both events took Place in Garmisch-Partenkirchen and were visited…