Research Highlights

Mechlem, K., Sellerer, T., Viermetz, M., Herzen, J., & Pfeiffer, F. Spectral differential phase contrast x-ray radiography. IEEE transactions on medical imaging, 39(3), 578-587 (2020) Purpose: in this research project, the combination of two emerging…

Yang, L., Gradl, R., Dierolf, M., Möller, W., Kutschke, D., Feuchtinger, A., Hehn, L., Donnelley, M., Günther, B., Achterhold, K., Walch, A., Stoegel, T., Razansky, D., Pfeiffer, F., Morgan, K.S. & Schmid, O. Multimodal precision imaging of pulmonary nanoparticle delivery in mice: dynamics of…

Günther, B., Hehn, L., Jud, C., Hipp, A., Dierolf, M., & Pfeiffer, F. (2019). Full-field structured-illumination super-resolution X-ray transmission microscopy. Nature communications, 10(1), 2494. Purpose: Instead of using a single isolated pencil beam,…

Gradl, R., Morgan, K. S., Dierolf, M., Jud, C., Hehn, L., Gunther, B., Moller, W., Kutschke, D., Yang, L., Stoeger, T., Pfeiffer, D., Gleich, B., Achterhold, K., Schmid, O., & Pfeiffer, F. Dynamic In Vivo Chest X-ray Dark-Field Imaging in Mice. IEEE transactions on medical imaging, 38(2), 649–656.…

Busse, M., Müller, M., Kimm, M. A., Ferstl, S., Allner, S., Achterhold, K., Herzen, J. and Pfeiffer, F. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115(10), 2293–2298 (2018). [] Purpose: The comparative analysis of our CT…

Müller, M., de Sena Oliveira, I., Allner, S., Ferstl, S., Bidola, P., Mechlem, K., Fehringer, A., Hehn, L., Dierolf, M., Achterhold, K., Gleich, B., Hammel, H., Mayer, G. & Pfeiffer, F. PNAS 114 (47) 12378-12383 (2017). [] Purpose: We present a laboratory CT…

Gromann, L. B. et al. In-vivo X-ray Dark-Field Chest Radiography of a Pig. Nature Publishing Group 7, 134–7 (2017). [] Full-field X-ray dark-field (XDF) chest radiography scanner. (a) Schematic of the prototype. A coarse array of Moiré fringes serves as a…

Muenzel, D. et al. Spectral Photon-counting CT: Initial Experience with Dual-Contrast Agent K-Edge Colonography. Radiology 283, 723–728 (2017). [] Purpose: To investigate the feasibility of using spectral photon-counting computed tomography (CT) to…

Rossetti, L. et al. The microstructure and micromechanics of the tendon?bone insertion. Nat Mater 16, 664–670 (2017) [] Purpose: to study the exceptional mechanical properties of the load-bearing connection of tendon to bone rely on an intricate interplay of its…

Eggl, E. et al. Mono-Energy Coronary Angiography with a Compact Synchrotron Source. Nature Publishing Group 1–7 (2017) [] Purpose: Here we present a quantitative analysis of the benefits a compact synchrotron source can offer in coronary angiography. Simulated…