
Marco Stockmar and co-workers have combined near-field ptychography, a recently developed phase imaging method, with tomography. They have used this technique to visualize the nano-structure of solid-oxide fuel cell (SOFC). Their work highlights the potential of 3D near-field ptychography for…

Soft tissue disorders like tumors are very difficult to recognize using normal X-ray machines. There is hardly any distinction between healthy tissue and tumors. Researchers at the Technische Universität München (TUM) have now developed a technology using a compact synchrotron source that measures…

Pulmonary emphysema is one of the most common fatal conditions of the lung. Its progression can be slowed down significantly through early detection and optimal therapy. Members of the Institute of Clinical Radiology at LMU, in collaboration with researchers from the Technical University and…

Maite Ruiz-Yaniz, Adrian Sarapata and co-workers were pushing X-ray grating interferometry to higher energies thus paving the way for exciting new applications at synchrotron or laboratory X-ray sources.

Three PhD students at the chair of biomedical physics had their successful PhD examinations this week

Astrid Velroyen, Andreas Fehringer, Dr. Peter Noël, and Prof. Franz Pfeiffer finished third place in the TUM IdeAward with their business idea about "high-end algorithms for computed tomography". The winning teams were chosen by a jury from TUM, UnternehmerTUM, and Zeidler-Forschungs-Stiftung. The…

Björn Enders and co-workers were invited to write an article about their research for the ESRF Highlights magazine.

Lensless x-ray microscopy has many applications in different fields of research but can be challenging whith strongly absorbing and refracting samples. Marco Stockmar and co-workers demonstrated that near-field ptychography can efficiently address this challenge and published their results in the…

Björn Enders and Pierre Thibault (UCL) have developed a software package for ptychographic reconstruction and released it as open source on github. Ptypy was designed with flexibility in mind and should allow rapid development of new ideas. More information can be found on the github page.

Franz Pfeiffer is co-hosting next year's International Symposium on BioMedical Applications of X-Ray Phase Contrast Imaging (IMXP) in Garmisch in January 2015 in Garmisch-Patenkirchen, Germany.