
New publication about near-field ptychography

Lensless x-ray microscopy has many applications in different fields of research but can be challenging whith strongly absorbing and refracting samples. Marco Stockmar and co-workers demonstrated that near-field ptychography can efficiently address this challenge and published their results in the lastest issue of Physical Review Applied.


Inline holography, like other lensless imaging methods, circumvents limitations of x-ray optics through an a posteriori phase-retrieval step. However, phase retrieval for optically thick, i.e., strongly absorbing and phase shifting, specimens remains challenging. In this paper, we demonstrate that near-field ptychography can be used to efficiently perform phase retrieval on a uranium sphere with a diameter of about 46  μm, which acts as an optically thick sample. This particular sample was not accessible by inline holography previously. The reconstruction is based on a statistical model and incorporates partial coherence by decomposing the illumination into coherent modes. Furthermore, we observe that phase vortices, which can occur as artifacts during the reconstruction, pose a greater challenge than in far-field methods. We expect that the methods described in this paper will allow production of reliable phase maps of samples which cannot be accessed by inline holography.