Unsere Gäste

Kiara Hansenne M.Sc., Universität Siegen


Kiara Hansenne, Doktorandin, Universität Siegen, als Gast im April 2024

Von 22.04.-25.04.2024 wird Kiara Hansenne als Gast an den Lehrstuhl für Quantenalgorithmen und -anwendungen kommen.

Kiara Hansenne ist Doktorandin an der Universität Siegen


Our guest Kiara Hansenne, will give a talk. Everybody is cordially invited to attend:
Guest Lecturer:

Kiara Hansenne, M.Sc., Universität Siegen

when: Tuesday 23.04.2024 (10:00-11:00)
where: room CH 53301 (53301@5403)  / CH 46306 at Department of Chemistry
Title of Talk: Optimal overlapping tomography: Reducing the number of measurement settings

Quantum state tomography aims at reconstructing the density operator of a quantum system using data acquired from measurements on several copies of the system's state. While the conventional approach demands an exponential increase in measurement settings with the growth of particle numbers, certain situations only necessitate access to the density operators of k-body reduced states. Notably, for n-qubit systems, prior studies have shown that the number of Pauli measurement settings scales as eO(k) log2(n). In this work, we present insights from a one-to-one correspondence with a well-studied problem in combinatorics, and show how to explicitly obtain optimal measurement settings. Furthermore, by dropping the Pauli measurement assumption, we demonstrate the feasibility of marginal tomography with 3k measurement settings, independently of the number of qubits.