Welcome to the group Experimental Physics of Functional Spin Systems

The research of our group is focused on the detailed understanding of fundamental magnetic properties and magnetization dynamics in hybrid materials comprising of ultrathin magnetic layers such as magnetic 2D materials in combination with topological materials or with materials inducing strong interfacial spin-orbit interaction and ideally in all 2D stacks. We tailor novel hybrid magnetic structures and investigate their static and dynamic magnetic properties. Among the subjects covered in our research are the dynamics in confined magnetic systems, magnonics, spin orbitronics, hybrid topological materials, high resolution magnetic microscopy as well as magnetic phase transitions in low dimensional systems. In our group we use several techniques to examine magnetization dynamics, the propagation of spinwaves and the efficiency of charge to spin current conversion. At the heart of our research projects are various time and spatially resolved high resolution magnetic microscopy techniques in combination with microwave excitation and detection.
Dr. Florian Dirnberger joined as Emmy Noether Group leader !
Congratulations to Dr. Florian Dirnberger!
Florian received the prestigious Emmy Noether Grant for The DFG and joined in October 2024. He is currently building up his group which focusses on the "Control of magnetic excitons in van der Waals magnetic materials by optical coupling".
September 2024: Publication in Nature
Our paper on "Signatures of magnetism control by flow of angular momentum" has been published in Nature. Congratulations to Lin for this effort!
Emmy Noether Grant for Dr. Aisha Aqeel !
Congratulations to Aisha for receiving the prestigious Emmy Noether Grant of the DFG. She will join the University Augsburg in the spring of 2024!
January 2024: Publication in Nature Materials
The joint paper with our collaborators from UCL, Imperial College and Tokyo University under the lead of Hidekazu Kurebayashi on Reservoir Computing has been published in Nature Materials. Congratulations everyone, in particular, to Oscar Lee!
June 2023: Publication in Nature Communications
Our paper on the Experimental demonstration of a skyrmion-enhanced strain-mediated physical reservoir computing system has finally been published in Nature Communications. Congratulations, in particular, to Yimin Sun, Tao Lin and Na Lei!
January 2023: Publication in Physical Review Letters
A paper on Interfacial Tuning of Anisotropic Gilbert Damping just appeard in Physical Review Letters. Congratulations Lin!
December 2022: Habilitation of Dr. Lin Chen
Dr. Lin Chen has finalized his habilitation at the University of Regensburg and is now Privatdozent.
November 2022: Publication in Nature Electronics
Dr.Yuyan Wang and Dr. Takuya Taniguchi are the proud first authors of a paper published in Nature Electronics on "Time-resolved detection of spin–orbit torque switching of magnetization and exchange bias" (Nat. Electron. 5, 840 (2022)).
August 2021: START Fellowship for Dr. Aisha Aqeel
Dr. Aisha Aqeel has received the START fellowship of the MCQST excellence initiative cluster. She will concentrate on Engineering bulk and nanostructured quantum materials. The project will start in March 2022.