Welcome to the Chair of Precision Measurements at Extreme Conditions
Our research deals with experiments that should help to understand properties of the early Universe. We currently focus on the nature of the excess of matter versus antimatter. In most scenarios that describe this so-called baryogenesis, new sources of broken symmetries in the early Universe are required. Electric dipole moments (EDM) of fundamental quantum systems are interesting systems to investigate such new sources of CP (or T) violation in the baryon-sector, beyond the Standard Model of particle physics (SM). Experiments in this field are almost table-top scale, but are nevertheless probing physics at or beyond the reach of the LHC.
We apply the techniques from such fundamental experiments and just start setting up a new lab for low magnetic field technology, where we develop sensors and experimental apparatus to ultimately measure brain magnetic fields in a non-invasive way, in particular difficult to address aspects like signals related to motion of limbs, as well as fetal heart and brain signals. We are also involved in a variety of applications where small and stable magnetic fields are required in fundamental physics, e.g. a cold atom experiment in space and the search for neutron-antineutron oscillations at the European Spallation Source.
We work with the world's smallest magnetic field, high precision sensors, laser polarized noble gases, superconducting sensors and trapped ultra-cold neutrons. Our experiments are performed at TUM, the FRM-II and the ILL (Grenoble), WIPP (New Mexico) and PTB. We are continuously looking for motivated students, diploma or PhD students to participate in our lab. If you are interested just visit us or contact Peter Fierlinger or the researcher who works on the project you are interested in.
If you are interested in our research or possible theses, you can find more information here.