Our group is part of an international collaboration called PanEDM, based at the Institute Laue-Langevin (ILL) in Grenoble, France. The goal of PanEDM is to search for an electric dipole moment of the neutron (nEDM) with a sensitivity better than 10-27 ecm, corresponding to an energy resolution of 10-42 Joule, making it one of the most precise measurements ever performed.
Together with the German Heart Center we have built the first European device for fetal magnetocardiography based on optically pumped magnetometers. Fetal magnetocardiography (fMCG) is a non-invasive method to study the heartbeat of the unborn child.
Our group is actively developing optical atomic magnetometers, a type of sensors using light-atom interactions to detect magnetic fields.This approach, sitting on the junction of laser-optics, quantum-optics and atom-physics, offer a wide range of possibilities for undergraduate and graduate students, from theoretical approaches to practical experiments.
Axion-like particles (ALP) could constitute a significant fraction of dark matter. A spin-dependent coupling to ordinary matter would lead to a novel signature of an effective oscillating magnetic field, that can be detected using nuclear resonance techniques. These tiny pseudo magnetic fields can be constrained with magnetometers for example.
Larmor spin precession is utilized in fundamental physics experiments to measure precise frequencies in particle systems. These frequencies allow for the extraction of many of the most precisely measured parameters in all of physics. As such, precise understanding of all experimental systematic effects is of critical importance.