Head of the Institute

Picture of Stephan Paul

Prof. Dr. Stephan Paul

Academic Career and Research Areas

Professor Paul’s research topics are located in the field of hadron physics and particle physics with neutrons. At TUM he teaches Particle and Nuclear Physics, Optics and Quantum Physics and Techniques of Detectors and Data Analysis among other topics.

Professor Paul (born 1957) studied physics at the University of Bonn and received his doctorate at the University of Heidelberg. He has worked as a scientific associate at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg and as a research fellow at CERN. He has remained a scientific associate of CERN to the current day. Since 2006 he is the coordinator of the Cluster of Excellence “Origin and Structure of the Universe”.


Federal Cross of Merit (2010)

Offer for a chair for experimental physics at ETH Zurich and head of the particle Physics Laboratory of PSI (declined) (2008)

Key Publications

COMPASS: Alekseev MG et al.: „Observation of a JPC=1-+ Exotic Resonance in Diffractive Dissociation of 190 GeV/c π→ π-π-π+ “. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2010; 104, 241803. Abstract

COMPASS: Ageev ES et al.: „A new measurement of the Collins and Sivers asymmetries on a transversely polarised deuteron target“. Nucl. Phys. B. 2007; 765 31-70. Abstract

Frei et al.: „First production of ultracold neutrons with a solid deuterium source at the pulsed reactor TRIGA Mainz.“ European Physical Journal A. 2007; 34, 119-127. Abstract

R. Picker et al., 2005: “A Superconducting Magnet UCN Trap for Precise Neutron Lifetime Measurement”. J. Res. Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol. 2005; 110: 357. Abstract

COMPASS, Alexakhin VY et al.: „First measurement of the transverse spin asymmetries of the deuteron in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering“. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2005; 94: 202002. Abstract