2024/10 Güven Budak and Juan Soriano have defended their thesis this month. Juan will remain in the group as a PhD student in the laser stabilization project.

2024/09 We publish our work on the site symmetry study of Erbiums in silicon on the arXiv !

2024/09 Many master students join us this month: Devansh Bhardwaj in the transduction in silicon project, Arantza Pineda Gonzalez in the silicon cavity project, and Rene Wagner on laser annealing. Lastly, Ginevra Fulco also continues in our group as a Master student and will work on the design of a laser lockbox!

2024/09 Congratulations to Justus Edelmann and Fabian Liepach who defended their Bachelor Thesis respectively on thermometry based on Er-doped silicon waveguides and fiber Bragg-grating resonators for laser stabilization.

2024/05 Noah Winhold has started his master thesis on our group in the laser stabilization project. Welcome!

2024/05 This year, the Rare-earth ions for quantum information workshop will take place in Munich and is organized by our group ! You can find the homepage of the event here.

2024/05 We are publishing our work on the optical single-shot readout of erbium ions in silicon. More detail can be found here

2024/03 We welcome two new M.Sc students, Bryan Gerard and Flora Segur, in the nanophotonics team !

2024/03 Our paper "Spectral Multiplexing of Rare-Earth Emitters in a Co-Doped Crystalline Membrane" is published in Advanced Optical Materials and made it to the journal cover !

2024/01 Our review article "Light–matter interactions in quantum nanophotonic devices" has been published in Nat Rev Phys !

2023/11 We are publishing the first results from our Erbium-Europium co-doped crystalline membrane ! More details can be found in the ArXiV preprint.

2023/10 We welcome new group members: Jakob Pforr, Aaron Schäpers and Nilesh Goel join the nanophotonics project as PhD students, while Güven Budak and Juan Baratech Soriano join for their M.Sc. thesis. Welcome!

2023/07 Our paper "Erbium emitters in commercially fabricated nanophotonic silicon waveguides" is published in Nanophotonics.

2023/07 Suyash Gaikwad completes his Thesis. Congratulations!

2023/06 Our paper "Purcell enhancement of single-photon emitters in silicon" is published in Optica. You can find a popular press release here !

2023/05 We have two new graduates: Jakob Pforr completed his M.Sc. and Salome Lomadze her B.Sc. thesis. Congratulations!

2023/04 Our group has a joint retreat with the Rempe group (MPQ) at Ringberg Castle.

2023/02 Kilian Sandholzer joins our group as a PostDoc. He will work on silicon photonic waveguides. Welcome!

2023/01 Our team keeps growing: Adrian Holzäpfel joins as a PostDoc on the Fabry-Perot project, and a M.Sc. student, Suyash Gaikwad, starts to work on new silicon nanophotonic devices.

2022/12 Our review article "Cavity-enhanced quantum network nodes" is published in Rev. Mod. Phys.

2022/11 We welcome Olivier Kuijpers, who will work as a M.Sc. student on protocols for the entanglement of remote erbium dopants.


2022/10 Our paper “Spectral multiplexing of telecom emitters with stable transition frequency” is published in Science Advances. C. Hohmann of MCQST made a nice illustration that was selected for the journal cover!

2022/10 Our paper “Narrow Optical Transitions in Erbium-Implanted Silicon Waveguides” is published in Phys. Rev. X, and highlighted by a synopsis called “Atom-Implanted Silicon Waveguides Get an Upgrade”.

2022/10 The winter semester starts. Andreas will give a lecture on Quantum Technology.

2022/10 Maximilian Pixner joins the group for his M.Sc. project on silicon photonic resonators. Welcome!

2022/09 We welcome two new PhD students, Daniele Lopriore and Mayssane Selmani, who will work on microwave-to-telecom conversion using erbium dopants.

2022/08 The group receives additional funding from the Munich Quantum Valley initiative. In a “lighthouse project”, we plan to generate hybrid entanglement between different hardware platforms, and to develop the basic technology to interface remote superconducting quantum computers.

2022/08 Andreas is appointed as a Rudolf-Mößbauer Professor at the Physics Department of the Technical University of Munich. Thus, we will soon start to build a second lab at TUM!

2022/07 Lorenz Weiß is awarded his PhD for his thesis: "Erbium dopants in silicon nanophotonic waveguides". Congratulations!

2022/07 Benjamin Merkel receives the MCQST PhD award. Congratulations!

2022/05 Our review article on Cavity-Enhanced Quantum Network Nodes is accepted for publication at Reviews of Modern Physics.

2022/05 The group is now a member of the Quantum Internet Alliance, an EU-flagship project aiming at the realization of a global quantum network.

2022/03 Two new team members join the silicon nanophotonics project: Jonas Schmitt and Jakob Pforr. Welcome!

2021/12 We receive a new cryostat from ICE_Oxford, which will allow us to reach temperatures as low as 1K in a large volume.

2021/11 We welcome a new PhD student, Fabian Salamon, who will work towards the entanglement of remote erbium dopants.

2021/10 Our second publication from the Fabry-Perot project is finished and can be found on ArXiv: Spectral multiplexing of telecom emitters with stable transition frequency. We demonstrate that we can resolve and coherently control up to 100 erbium qubits in the same optical resonator, and that these qubits have exceptionally stable optical transitions - a key enabler for increasing the size of quantum networks!

2021/10 We start two new projects, funded by the BMBF. In "SilQchip", we will develop a chip-based quantum memory based on erbium dopants in silicon. In "TransQNode", we plan to build two robust and transportable quantum network nodes and generate entanglement between them.

2021/09 Benjamin successfully completed his PhD defense. Congratulations, Dr. Merkel!

2021/08 Our second paper about erbium-doped silicon is completed and uploaded to the ArXiv preprint server: Narrow optical transitions in erbium-implanted silicon waveguides. Based on a novel fabrication technique, we could achieve a homogeneous linewidth as low as 20 kHz with ensembles of dopants in a nanophotonic waveguide. With improved nanofabrication, this will enable chip-based quantum memories at telecommunication frequencies!

2021/07 Our work on the dynamical decoupling of spin ensembles with strong anisotropic interactions is published by Physical Review Letters.

2021/06 Our paper "Coherent Control in the Ground and Optically Excited States of an Ensemble of Erbium Dopants" is published by Physical Review Applied.

2021/04 We welcome a new M.Sc. student from LMU, Felix Wintersberger, who will work on the spectroscopy of Er:YSO at ultralow temperature.

2021/01 The first paper of the silicon project is published in Optica. With the help of Christoph Hohmann (MCQST), our image suggestion even made it to the journal cover!

2020/12 Penghong has completed his M.Sc. thesis on dynamical decoupling of erbium spin ensembles. Congratulations!

2020/12 We have developed a novel frequency reference for laser stabilization, published in Optics Letters (pdf). The paper has also been highlighted by the Optical Society of America as a "spotlight on optics".

2020/11 We receive additional funding by the DFG for the implementation of efficient and broadband quantum memories based on erbium-doped silicon.

2020/10 Our first paper is published in PRX! For a popular summary, please see the press release.

2020/10 We welcome two new group members: Jasper Ebel will join the silicon nanophotonics project to work on photonic crystal cavities, while Karl Miklautz will join the Fabry-Perot team to implement a second generation of devices with increased Purcell enhancement. Welcome!

2020/07 Laura successfully completes her M.Sc. thesis on the tuning of nanophotonic resonators before moving on to ICFO for her PhD. Congratulations!

2020/06: We finish our first publication on the Fabry-Perot project, in which we show that the lifetime of erbium dopants can be reduced 59-fold, while maintaining the outstanding optical coherence properties of erbium in bulk crystalline hosts. That's a main enabling step for our future work on quantum interfaces. Details can be found in: https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.14229

2020/06: Johannes successfully completed his M.Sc. thesis. Congratulations! He will continue as a PhD student working on nanophotonic spin-photon interfaces.

2020/05: We finish the work on our first publications: In http://arxiv.org/abs/2005.08822, we investigate to which extent the interactions in erbium-doped crystals can be decoupled. In http://arxiv.org/abs/2005.01775, we observe narrow fluorescence from erbium-implanted silicon.

2020/05 Two new PhD students start on the silicon nanophotonics project: After completing his M.Sc. thesis, Florian Burger will continue to explore Purcell-enhanced erbium emission. In addition, Stephan Rinner joins the group to investigate erbium ensembles for on-chip quantum memories. Welcome!

2020/04 Alexander will continue his work on the Fabry-Perot project as a PhD student. Welcome back!

2020/02 Daniel Repp and Alexander Ulanowski completed their M.Sc. theses on the stabilization of a laser to a fiber ring resonator and the stabilization of cryogenic Fabry-Perot resonators, respectively. Congratulations!

2019/11 Pablo Cova Farina finished his M.Sc. project on the dynamical decoupling of interacting spin ensembles. Congratulations! The project will be continued by Pablo together with a new student, Penghong Yu. Welcome!

2019/10 We welcome two new M.Sc. students: Johannes Früh and Laura Zarraoa Sardon who both join the silicon nanophotonics project.

2019/08 Tangui Aladjidi successfully completed his M.Sc. internship. Congratulations!

2019/05 We welcome two new M.Sc. students from TUM: Florian Burger will investigate nanophotonic waveguides, and Daniel Repp will implement an ultra-stable laser system.

2019/04 The group is elected "core member" of the excellence cluster Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology, providing additional funding for PhD students and equipment in the coming years.

2019/03 Benjamin successfully stabilized a high-finesse Fabry-Perot resonator in our closed-cycle cryostat, achieving residual fluctuations of the mirror distance below 1 pm. That's much less than the size of a hydrogen atom!

2019/03 We welcome two new M.Sc. students: Alexander Ulanowski from TUM will work on Fabry-Perot cavities, while Tangui Aladjidi from École Polytechnique will support the silicon nanophotonics project.

2019/02 Kutlu leaves the group to start a career in industry. All the best! On the same day, Andi Gritsch successfully completed his M.Sc. thesis on designing and fabricating silicon photonic crystal cavities for the control of erbium impurities. Congratulations!

2018/10 Pablo Cova Fariña joins the group as a M.Sc. student working on microwave control of Erbium spin ensembles, and Joachim Leibold and Alexander Ulanowski join as student interns. Welcome!

2018/09 The proposed "Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology" has been selected as a "cluster of excellence" in the German Excellence Strategy. Therefore, starting in January 2019, additional funding of almost 10 mio € per year will be provided to the four partners MPQ, TUM, LMU, and WMI during the next seven years.

2018/09 Natalia has finished her M.Sc. project. Congratulations!

2018/05 We welcome another team member: After his PhD in the Group of Hugues de Reidmatten (ICFO; Barcelona), Kutlu Kutluer will join our team as a PostDoc.

2018/04 We welcome two new group members: Natalia Herrera will perform her M.Sc. thesis on microwave control of Erbium spins, while Pablo Cova Fariña will support the team as a student intern.

2018/03 Start date of the Starting Grant project "QUANTUMNET".

2018/02 Andreas Gritsch joins the group for his M.Sc. project.

2017/10 Lorenz Weiß joins the team as a PhD student.

2017/09 Natalie Wilson has successfully completed her M.Sc. thesis.

2017/08 Additional funding of about 1.5 mio Euro is provided by the European Research Council via a Starting Grant.

2017/08 Andreas is elected a Full Member of the Munich Quantum Center.

2017/07 Valentin has successfully passed his ENS M.Sc. examination. Congratulations!

2017/04 We welcome two new team members: Andreas Gritsch will support us during the semester as a student intern, and Valentin Crépel will start his M.Sc. thesis project on the detection of single rare-earth ions in a crystal.

2017/03 Additional funding is provided by the Daimler-Benz Foundation.

2016/10 The group participates in the annual retreat of the Quantum Dynamics Division at Ringberg castle.

2016/09 The first two team members start their work: Benjamin Merkel and Natalie Wilson!