Personal information
Surname: | Poot | Address: | Technische Universität München |
First name: | Menno | TUM School of Natural Sciences | |
Academic title: | Prof. dr. ir. | Physik-Department | |
ORCID: | 0000-0002-5047-8497 | James-Franck-Str. 1 | |
Scopus: | 23036145900 | D 85748, Garching | |
ResearcherID: | A-3589-2009 | +49 (0)89 289 53555 |
Research experience
2017-present | Technical University of Munich – Rudolph Mößbauer professor for Quantum Technologies (W2) |
2015-2017 | Delft University of Technology – visiting scientist |
2010-2015 | Yale University – postdoctoral fellow |
2009-2010 | Delft University of Technology – postdoctoral researcher |
2005-2009 | Delft University of Technology – Ph.D. |
2000-2005 | Delft University of Technology – MSc. and BSc. |
- Ph.D. with honors, Kavli Institute of Nanoscience at Delft University of Technology
Advisor: prof. van der Zant
Dissertation title: Mechanical systems at the nanoscale - Master of Science in Applied Physics at TU Delft
With honors
Master’s thesis: Transport through single molecules - Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics at TU Delft
With honors
Academic achievements
- Core PI and member of the Executive Committee of the MCQST Excellence Cluster
- Enthousiastic and involved teacher
- Supervisor of PhD, MSc and BSc students
- Author of > 50 publications. h-index = 30 (Google scholar) and more than 5000 citations overall
- Editorial board member for the journal Materials for Quantum Technology (published by IOP)
- Reviewer of > 50 manuscripts for the following journals: Applied Optics, Applied Physics B, Applied Physics Letters, Europhysics Letters, Journal of Applied Physics, Microelectronic Engineering, Micromachines, Nano Letters, Nature Communications, Nature Nanotechnology, Optica, Optics Express, Physica E, Physical Review Applied, Physical Review A, Physical Review B, Physical Review E, Physical Review Letters, Phys. Stat. Sol. B, Review of Scientific Instruments, Scientific reports, The Open Magnetic Resonance Journal
- Invited speaker at many international conferences
Awards, scholarships, and funding
- 3x MCQST seed funding projects (2019, 2020, 2022, 50 k€ each)
- First prize Raith Micrograph award (2015)
- “Rubicon” postdoctoral fellowship awarded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (2010, 110 k€)
- Winner of the best poster award at the Heraeus Seminar on "Quantum optics of nano- and micromechanical systems” in Bad Honnef, Germany (2009)
- “P-in-1” scholarship awarded by the faculty Applied Science (2001)
- CIVI award for the best first-year student in Applied Physics at TU Delft (2001)
- “Sterbeurs” scholarship for outstanding students awarded by TU Delft (2000)
- Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (German Physical Society), member
- Nederlandse Natuurkundige Vereniging (Netherlands' Physical Society), member
- Koninklijk Instituut Van Ingenieurs (Royal Netherlands Society of Engineers), member
- American Physical Society, life member
- APS Division of Laser Science, member
Dutch: native language
English: fluent
German: good in reading and conversation (level C1)