Quantum computers can perform certain tasks more effectively than conventional classical computers. However, current quantum computers and probably also the models of the near future are still severely limited—for example by the loss of coherence due to the coupling with the environment and also by the limited number of "qubits". In order to be able to use these quantum computers despite those limitations, algorithms are required that are specifically designed for the respective platform. With the QTEngine project, Frank Pollmann will create a “quantum tensor network” based software package that forms the basis for the development of, e.g., quantum simulations and quantum machine learning, regardless of the computer used. The aim is to make it easier for researchers and commercial developers to work with quantum computers.
Frank Pollmann is Professor of Theoretical Solid State Physics at TUM. The ERC has already funded his research with a Consolidator Grant. He is a member of the MCQST Cluster of Excellence.
Original Article: https://www.tum.de/en/news-and-events/all-news/press-releases/details/three-erc-advanced-grants-for-tum-researchers