Diese Seite ist leider nur auf Englisch verfügbar.
We take pride in having members with a very diverse background. Our group has a friendly atmosphere and good mix of different nationalities and gender. To make sure that everybody feels welcome, we mainly communicate in English.
Openings for PhD students and PostDocs
At the moment, all our positions for PhD students and PostDocs are already filled. Please check this page often to see if there is a new vacancy in our exciting research on optomechanics and integrated quantum optics.
Postdoctoral fellowships
If you, as a scholar with an excellent scientific profile, have a great idea that you would like to pursue as a PostDoc in our group, then also take a look at these funding opportunities: TUM University Foundation Fellowship, Eurotech PostDoc fellowships, or those of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. We are happy to support your application for these prestigeous postdoctoral fellowships.
Tips for applying
We receive many applications, both open as well as for specific positions. For us it is thus very important that you explain in your letter why you are a good fit for our group. The more detailed your application is, the more like it is that we will invite you to discuss the options during a visit or telephone conversation. It is a great help if you mention that you have e.g. experience with Matlab, Comsol, or LabVIEW, or perhaps that you already did nanofabrication or measurements on photonic devices. In geneneral, generic applications with no mentioning of our research topic will not be considered.
In this video made by the Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology, you can get more information on doing a master's or PhD program here in Germany.
Student projects and internships

Doing a real research project is the highlight of your studies. TUM students can see look on the website of the physics department what projects are available for BSc and MSc students (expand "Finding a topic") We are more than happy to discuss the possibilities with you in person. Currently we have the following projects available:
- Optomechanics with single photons (MSc)
- Cavity optomechanics of coupled micro-drums
- Synchronization of nanomechanical oscillators (MSc)
- Opto- electromechanical interactions (MSc)
- Quantum optics on a chip (MSc)
- 2D optomechanics (BSc / MSc)
- Modelling single photon source (BSc)
International and students at other universities in Germany can of course also do projects in our group. You are welcome to ask about possible projects. Yet, in our experience, a short (less than 6 months) project is not very productive. Also, keep in mind that TUM has rather strict requirements for international interns in terms of timing and required documents. Please read the information on http://www.international.tum.de/en/coming-to-tum/interns/ carefully, before inquiring about possible projects. More usefull information can be found on the Physics Department website.