Prof. Rudolf Gross
Technische Universität München
Lehrstuhl für Technische Physik (Prof. Gross/Prof. Filipp)
Walther-Meißner-Straße 8
85748 Garching b. München
- Tel.: +49 (89) 289 - 14249
- Homepage
The research activities of the Walther-Meißner-Institute (WMI) are focused on low temperature solid-state and condensed matter physics. The research program is devoted to both fundamental and applied research and also addresses materials science, thin film and nanotechnology aspects. With respect to basic research the main focus of the WMI is on
- superconductivity and superfluidity,
- magnetism, spin transport, and spin caloritronics,
- quantum phenomena in mesoscopic systems and nanostructures,
- quantum technology and quantum computing,
- and the general properties of metallic systems at low and very low temperatures.
The WMI also conducts applied research in the fields of
- solid-state quantum information processing systems,
- superconducting and spintronic devices,
- oxide electronics,
- multi-functional and multiferroic materials,
- and the development of low and ultra low temperature systems and techniques.
With respect to materials science, thin film and nanotechnology the research program is focused on
- the synthesis of superconducting and magnetic materials,,
- the single crystal growth of oxide materials,
- the thin film technology of complex oxide heterostructures including multi-functional and multiferroic material systems,
- the fabrication of superconducting, magnetic, and hybrid nanostructures,
- and the growth of self-organized molecular ad-layers.
The WMI also develops and operates systems and techniques for low and ultra-low temperature experiments.