Prof. Alexander Holleitner
Technische Universität München
Lehrstuhl für Nanotechnologie und -materialien (Prof. Holleitner)
Am Coulombwall 4
85748 Garching b. München
- Tel.: +49 (89) 289 - 11575
- Raum: 5115.01.005
- Homepage
The Holleitner group investigates optoelectronic phenomena in nanoscale circuits with special focus on ultrafast optoelectronics, quantum optoelectronics, and excitonic systems. Exploiting an on-chip THz time-domain photocurrent spectroscopy, picosecond currents in na-noscale circuits are explored in the time domain including dielectric displacement currents, the non-equilibrium transport of photogenerated charge and spin carriers, helicity dependent currents, time-resolved photo-thermoelectric phenomena, and recombination lifetime limited photocurrents. A further topic is the study of many-body phenomena and interactions in dipolar excitonic ensembles in nanofabricated quantum traps formed in semiconductor heterostructures. In addition, novel types of photo-electronic systems are constructed and investigated that consist of mixed organic and inorganic nanosystems such as molecules, nanocrystals, 2D layered materials, carbon nanotubes, and photosynthetic "light harvesting" proteins. The research topics aim to fully exploit the potential of nanoscale circuits for optoelectronic and photovoltaic applications, as well as for communication and information technologies.