Group Leaders

Michael Knap: My research clusters around various questions of condensed matter theory and includes non-equilibrium quantum dynamics and statistical physics in ultracold quantum gases and correlated quantum materials.

Physik Department I, room 3037
Phone: +49 89 289 53777 
E-Mail: michael.knap(at)

Johannes Knolle : My research has been centred around one of the great topics of modern physics — the search for unconventional quantum phases and novel excitations in correlated materials.

Physik Department I, room 3225
Phone: +49 (89) 289 - 53740
E-Mail: j.knolle(at)

Barbara Kraus: Our main research interests are fundamental problems within Quantum Information Theory.

Physik Department I, room 3027
Phone: +49 89 289 53660
E-Mail: barbara.kraus(at)

Sanjay Moudgalya: I am broadly interested in theoretical quantum many-body physics, and much of my research has centered around quantum dynamics and its interplay with symmetries.

Physik Department I, room 3308
E-Mail: sanjay.moudgalya(at)

Frank Pollmann: My research interests are in theoretical condensed matter physics and in particular in systems with strongly correlated electrons.

Physik Department I, room 3033
E-Mail: frank.pollmann(at)

Group members

Adam Prystupiuk: I am interested in topological and exotic phases of matter. My current research focuses on the study of periodically-driven 2D systems - Floquet Topological Insulators.


Alfred Benedito: I am interested in analytical, theoretical methods for condensed matter systems. Currently, I study periodically driven quantum phase transitions.

Physik Department I room 1205

Alvise Bastianello: My research focuses on strongly interacting quantum matter out of equilibrium, with emphasis on non-conventional thermalization and transport. I use exact analytical techniques to explore these questions, such as integrability and bosonization.

Physik Department I, room 3316
E-Mail: alvise.bastianello(at)

Anton Romen: My research interests lie in the area of condensed matter theory, with a particular interest on deconfined quantum criticality.

Physik Department I, room 3307

Avedis Neehus: I am interested in the exotic phases of matter arising in strongly correlated many-body systems. My current focus lies on topological phases of matter, in particular questions related to disorder,  quantum phase transitions and transport and in Quantum Spin Liquids and Quantum Hall systems.


Benjamin Sappler: I am interested in the numerical simulation of quantum many-body systems, mainly using tensor network methods.

Bernhard Jobst: I am interested in using quantum computers for various problems such as machine learning tasks and simulations of quantum many-body systems.

Physik Department I, room 3318 
Phone: +49 89 289 53769 
E-Mail: bernhard.jobst(at)

Caterina Zerba: My research is focused on the study of quantum many-body systems out of equilibrium. I am particularly interested in their thermalization properties and entanglement dynamics.


Clemens Kuhlenkamp: I am interested in the dynamics of disordered many-body systems.

Physik Department I, room 3311
Phone: +49 89 289 53774 
E-Mail: c.kuhlenkamp(at)

David Hofmeier: I am interested in field theoretic methods for condensed matter systems. Currently, I study deconfined quantum criticality.

Physik Department I room 1205

Eduard Koller: I take interest in the field of strongly correlated electrons and frustrated magnetism. Currently I study the interaction between photons and quantum spin liquids by analytical methods.

Physik Department I room 1205

Fabian Pichler: My research focuses on describing novel methods to find signatures of strongly correlated electron phases in 2D materials.


Gloria Isbrandt: I am interested in the physics of quantum many body systems, in particular fractonic systems far from equilibrium. I study their behavior with various computational methods.

Physik Department I, room 1205
Email: gloria.isbrandt(at)

Hui-Ke Jin: My research interest includes: tensor network state, frustrated spin systems, nonequilibrium systems, and quantum simulations.


Ignacio Salgado Linares: I am interested in understanding the contribution of magnons to thermal Hall transport by studying stochastic Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert dynamics of Kitaev spin liquids, applying both analytical and numerical methods.

Physik Department I, room 1205

Jakob Unfried: I am interested in developing tensor network methods for condensed matter systems, as well as Automatic Differentiation and Machine Learning. I am especially fascinated by topological phases of matter, as well as novel phases that arise in the presence of periodic drives.


Jiaxin Qiao: I am interested in the exotic collective phenomenon in quantum many-body systems. Currently, I focus on the scaling behavior in topological superconductors.


Johannes Hauschild:  I am interested in the development and application of tensor network based methods to quantum many-body systems. In particular, I'm the leading developer behind the TeNPy library. More recently, I also got interested in strategies to employ tensor networks for quantum computing on near-term NISQ devices.

Physik Department I, room 3029
Phone: +49 89 289 53761

Jonas Habel: My research focusses on dynamics of correlated quantum magnets. In particular, I study topological properties of magnon excitations in frustrated spin systems and how they are affected by exotic many-body interactions that naturally arise due to the frustration.

Physik Department I, Room 3218

Josef Willsher: I am interested in using theoretical tools in condensed matter systems, and especially in studying phases with intrinsic topological order. My current work is in using field theory to study quantum spin liquids away from integrable limits.

Physik Department I, room 3221
Phone: +49 89 289 53744
E-mail: joe.willsher(at)

Julian Bösl: My research interests include the description of phases of matter which arise in quantum many-body contexts such as ultra-cold gas setups. I am equally interested in the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of quantum systems under additional constraints.


Léo Mangeolle: My research has focused on thermal transport and kinetic equations, especially on the thermal Hall effect in magnetic systems. More recently I am also investigating interaction effects on quantum oscillations.

Physics Department I, room 3223

Lorenzo Lanzini: My current work focuses on Altermagnetism in Fermi-Hubbard models, using numerical and analytical methods.


Ludwig Zweng: I am interested in the physics of non-Abelian anyons in topological systems and their connection to emergent quantum many-body phenomena.


Markus Drescher: My research interests lie in the area of condensed matter theory, with a particular focus on strongly correlated quantum systems such as spin liquids. I am especially fascinated by emergent phenomena in many-body physics.

Physik Department I, room 3312
Phone:+49 (89) 289 53766
E-Mail: markus.drescher(at)

Masataka Kawano: I am interested in emergent phenomena in quantum many-body systems. My current research focuses on the interplay of strong electron correlations and spin-orbit coupling.

Email: masataka.kawano(at)

Melissa Will: I am interested in engineering Hilbert space fragmentation in quantum systems

E-Mail: melissa.will(at)

Nico Kirchner: I am interested in topological phases of matter, especially topological order. My research focuses on the properties and dynamics of anyons.

Email: nico.kirchner(at)

Ofir Arzi: I am interested in non-equilibrium dynamics in constrained quantum system, and in the emergence of macroscopic behavior in such systems.

Physik Department I, room 3305

Philipp Thoma: I'm interested in simulating many-body-systems. I mainly focus on obtaining Spectral Functions using Tensor Networks.


Philip Zechmann: I am interested in the dynamics of many-body systems, especially with applications to ultracold quantum gases, and in the use and development of numerical tools to study such systems.


Przemysław Bieniek: My work focuses on quantum oscillations in metals, particularly on the impact of electronic interactions.


Raul Morral Yepes: I am interested in quantum many-body physics and its intersection with quantum information. My research focuses on non-equilibrium phases of matter.

Physik Department I, room 3320
Phone: +49 89 289 53770 
Email: raul.morral(at)

ShengHsuan Lin: I am interested in numerical methods in Condensed Matter Physics and Machine Learning.

Physik Department I, room 3304
Phone: +49 89 289 53762 
E-Mail: shenghsuan.lin(at)

Sim GiBaik: I am interested in the emergence of novel phases in strongly correlated many-body systems: topological superconductors and spin-orbital liquid. My current research focuses on dynamics in models that realize quantum dimer phases. I wish to approach these problems by using numerical techniques.

Physik Department I, room 3223

Stefan Birnkammer: I am interested in the emergence of novel phenomena and phases in strongly correlated many-body systems, realized in ultra cold atoms or solids under extreme conditions. Particularly I take a great interest in the embedding of fundamental mathematical concepts in the framework of modern many-body theory.


Thomas Bader: I am interested in the analytical and numerical study of novel quantum phases and topological order. My research focuses on frustrated magnetism, in particular quantum spin liquids, their dynamics and emergent gauge theories.

Physik Department I, room 3224
E-Mail: thomasc.bader(at)

Valentin Leeb: I am interested in how external fields couple to strongly correlated quantum matter. I mostly study magnetic field effects in frustrated spin systems and strongly correlated metals by analytic methods.

E-Mail: valentin.leeb(at)

Wen-Tao Xu: I am interested in studying various topological phases, including symmetry protected topological phases and intrinsic topological phases with anyon excitations, and their topological phase transitions. In recent years, I have focused on the characterization of topological phase transitions. In my research, I mainly use tensor network methods from both analytical and numerical perspectives to solve problems.

Physik Department I, room 3306

Wilhelm Kadow: I am interested in exploring the dynamics of quantum many-body systems, especially with numerical methods.

E-Mail: wilhelm.kadow(at)

Wonjune Choi: I have a broad research interest in strongly correlated systems. In particular, my research focuses on many-body quantum entanglements of exotic correlated states such as quantum spin liquids and fractons.

Physik Department I, room 3314
Phone: +49 (89) 289 53767
E-Mail: wj.choi(at)

Yahui Li: I am interested in nonergodic behaviors in quantum many-body systems. Currently, I study Hilbert space fragmentation in open quantum systems, combining analytic methods and tensor network simulations.


Yujie Liu: I am interested in the emergent phenomenon in condensed matter and mathematical physics related topics. My current research focuses on topological phases of matter and its connection to quantum computation.
Physik Department I, room 3310

Former Postdocs:

Daniel Malz (Postdoc 2022-2023) → Assistant professor at the University of Copenhagen.

Ananda Roy (Postdoc 2019-2021) → Professor at Rutgers University, USA.

Izabella Lovas (Postdoc 2019-2021) → Postdoc at KITP, USA

Adam Smith (Postdoc 2018-2020) → Professor at the University of Nottingham, UK.

Giuseppe De Tomasi (Postdoc 2018-2019) → Postdoc at the University of Cambridge and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Fabian Grusdt (Postdoc 2018-2019) → Professor at LMU, Munich.

Bhilahari Jeevanesan (Postdoc 2018-2022) → Research Scientist at DLR, Munich.

David Luitz (Postdoc 2017-2018) → Group leader position at the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden. Now Professor at University of Bonn, Germany.

Shijie Hu (Postdoc 2012-2014) → Postdoc position at the TU Kaiserslautern.

Yohei Fuji (Postdoc 2015-2017) → Postdoc position at Riken, Tokyo.

Cecile Repellin (Postdoc 2015-2017) → Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship at MIT.

Xue-Feng Zhang (Postdoc 2015-2017) → Faculty position at the Chongqing University.

Xiao-Yu Dong (Postdoc 2015-2017) → Postdoc position at the California State University, Northridge.

Markus Heyl (Postdoc 2015-2016) → Group leader position at the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden. Now Professor at University of Augsburg, Germany.

Yin-Chen He (Postdoc 2014-2016) → Moore Postdoctoral Fellowship at Harvard University. Now faculty at Perimeter, Waterloo.

Jean-Marie Stephan (Postdoc 2014-2016) → CNRS position in Lyon.

Adolfo Grushin (Postdoc 2013-2015) → Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship at UC Berkeley. Now CNRS position in Grenoble.

Rajeev Singh (Postdoc 2013-2015) → Postdoc position at the Bar-Ilan University, Israel. Now faculty at the Indian Institute of Technology (BHU).

Ching-Yu Huang (Postdoc 2012-2014) → Postdoc positions at Stony Brook University, New York and the National Center for Theoretical Science, Hsinchu. 

Jonas Kjäll (Postdoc 2012-2014) → Postdoc position at Nordita, Stockholm. 

Luis Seabra (Postdoc 2011-2013) → Postdoc position at Technion, Israel. Works now as data analyst in Lisbon. 

Former PhD Students:

Julian Bibo (PhD Student 2018-2023) → Reseaercher at SThree

Umberto Borla (PhD Student 2017-2022) → Postdoctoral at Hebrew University Jerusalem

Pablo Sala (PhD Student 2018-2022)  → Postdoctoral fellow at Caltech

Elisabeth Wybo (PhD Student 2018-2022)  → Reseaercher at IQM

Kevin Hemery (PhD Student 2017-2022) → Researcher at Quantinuum

Johannes Feldmeier (PhD Student 2018-2022) → Postdoctoral fellow at Harvard

Alex Schuckert (PhD Student 2017-2021) → Postdoctoral fellow at JQI, Maryland

Annabelle Bohrdt (PhD student 2016-2020)→ ITAMP Postoctoral Fellowship at Harvard University. Now Professor at University of Regensburg, Germany.

Tibor Rakovszky (PhD student 2016-2020) → Postdoc position at Stanford University

Ruben Verresen (PhD student 2015-2019) → Postdoc position at Harvard University

Johannes Hauschild (PhD student 2015-2019)→ Postdoc position at the University of California, Berkeley

Giuseppe Detomasi (PhD student 2014-2018) → Postdoc position at TUM.

Siddhardh Chandra (PhD student 2013-2017) → Postdoc position at the Boston University.

Matthias Gohlke (PhD student 2013-2017) → Postdoc position at the Okinawa Institute for Science and Technology.

Johannes Motruk (PhD student 2011-2016) → Postdoc position at the UC Berkeley.

Krishanu Roy Chowdhury (PhD student 2012-2016) → Postdoc positions at Yale Cornell University and Stockholm University.